We think the best way to enjoy our 2023 Symposium is to attend in person and we hope you will join us. If you can’t make it, we hope you will join us online on Zoom for our featured presentations. We hope to post recordings of these presentations on the CMMA Youtube channel.

2023 Featured Presentations:

Raymond McDougall  “Quiruvilca, Peru”

Dr. Aaron Lussier  “Caging the Devil: Mineralogy & Nuclear Waste

Quintin Wight   “Microminerals of Mont Saint-Hilaire” 

Below is the full Symposium program

Friday May 5

12:00 Noon Registration in Earp Residence
12:00 – 5:00 Free time in Geology Labs (MCD 308 / 309)
7:30 – ?? Reception in Fireplace Lounge in Earp Residence
–   Wine, cheese, other beverages, appetizers
–   Social time
– Welcome, announcements, slides and news from attendees

Saturday May 6

8:00 Buffet Breakfast in the Dining Hall, DeCew Residence
8:45 Symposium opens for day. Lab rooms, sales room, giveaways.
Registration in Labs (MCD 308 / 309)
~10:00 – ? Silent Auction
2:00 CMMA Annual General Meeting
Presentation: Raymond McDougall “Quiruvilca, Peru”
3:15 Symposium Continues: Giveaways, Sales Room, etc
4:45 Lab Rooms, sales room, etc close for the day
5:45 Cash Bar in Pond Inlet
6:15 Banquet Dinner in Pond Inlet
7:15 Live Auction in Pond Inlet
8:00 Presentation: Quintin Wight “Microminerals of Mont Saint-Hilaire” in Pond Inlet
9:00 – ? Reception in Fireplace Lounge, Earp Residence

Sunday May 7

8:00 Buffet Breakfast in the Dining Hall, DeCew Residence
8:45 Symposium opens for day. Lab rooms, sales room, giveaways.
11:00 Presentation: Dr. Aaron Lussier “Caging the Devil: Mineralogy & Nuclear Waste
12:00 noon Lunch
3:45 Symposium ends

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