The CMMA is a non-profit organization whose mission is to bring together people interested in the study of micro minerals. We are a member organization of the Central Canadian Federation of Mineralogical Societies
Members of the Canadian Micro Mineral Association are enthusiastic about micro minerals, that is minerals (“rocks”) that are best observed under magnification. Why is magnification required? Smaller minerals are often better formed than larger specimens. Also, many minerals are only found in a microscopic size or are only found in aesthetic forms at the micro level.

Our members are primarily from Ontario, Quebec and bordering states, and sometimes from further afield. Unlike most rock and mineral groups who meet monthly, we only meet in person twice a year because our members are so dispersed geographically.
Our marquee event is our annual 3 day Spring Symposium (see the Symposium page for further information). Other activities include a one day fall workshop (see separate page for further information) and field trips to collect specimens to add to our collections.