Join Us!

If you have an interest in micro minerals we welcome you to join us. Membership provides you with a subscription to our newsletter, the MicroNews, typically published monthly. The MicroNews includes original articles and photographs, news, upcoming events and other information of interest. Membership also supports the club’s activities such as the Spring Symposium, Fall Workshop, field trips and more.

Membership is $17 per year and covers a family (a couple and their children under 18 years of age, all living at the same address) or an individual.

Membership Form

Please complete and submit form and then make your payment online or mail a cheque.

Payment Options


Online payments are temporarily suspended.


Complete and submit the Membership Application form above and send payment by regular mail to our treasurer: Jim Glen, 76 Flannery Drive, Thorold, ON Canada L2V 4V8

You may wish to print off the application form and include it with your cheque

To print an application form, click below